Privacy Policy
1. Information Collected
In order to access certain Subscriber services, ValueRecipes requires that you provide certain identifying information listed in the online registration form. This information may include your legal name, address, telephone number, email address, subscriber name, "screen name," areas of interest, password used to access Pay services, method of payment, and, if applicable, credit card number. ValueRecipes reserves the right to request any additional information necessary to establish and maintain your account for use of the Pay Services.
2. Confidentiality
Registration Data is the property of ValueRecipes, subject to and protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. ValueRecipes will not sell, rent, swap, or otherwise disclose your Registration Data to any third party.
3. Opt-In Right
If you wish to receive any special offers or other communications from ValueRecipes, you have the right to select the "opt in" option during the registration process or at any time afterwards. You may "opt in" by clicking on the box marked "Click to get news and updates from this site" when you register for an account or at any time afterwards by going to the "Change User Info" area of the Site.
4. User Access to Information Collected
You may access your Registration Data at any time through the Subscriber services section of the Site. This area is
password-restricted for your protection.
5. Lost or Stolen Information
If your credit card or password is stolen or used without your permission, immediately notify ValueRecipes. Upon notification ValueRecipes will cancel your credit card number and/or password and update its records. You may be unable to access certain services while ValueRecipes processes the credit card and/or password change.
6. Cancellation
You may cancel your account at any time by sending an email to ValueRecipes at contactus@valuerecipes.com. Once ValueRecipes has finished processing the cancellation, ValueRecipes will delete all your Registration Data from its database.
7. No Liability for Acts of Third Parties
Although ValueRecipes will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of the Registration Data,
transmissions made by means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. Valuerecipes will have no liability for disclosure of Registration Data due to errors in transmission or unauthorized acts of third parties.
8. Use of Aggregated Information
ValueRecipes reserves the right to disclose to third parties information about Subscriber usage of the ValueRecipes Web site and any related services, including information gathered during your use of the Site. Any information disclosed will be in the form of aggregate data (such as overall patterns or demographic reports) that does not describe or identify any individual user.